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Who's At Risk of Getting Bed Bugs in Broken Arrow OK?

In the late 1990s, bed bugs re-emerged as a major issue for pest control companies, mainly caused by an increase in international travel. So if you visit high risk areas such as hotels, schools, dorms, office buildings and movie theaters, you run the chance of bringing home these bloodsucking pests. 


Who is the most at-risk to attract bed bugs? This would be:

  • College students
  • Travelers
  • Used furniture buyers
  • Anyone who has visited an infested area
Who is at risk of bed bugs in Broken Arrow OK |  Arrow Exterminators, Inc

Bed Bugs in Hotels

Hotels are one of the prime locations for bed bugs to nest and breed. There’s a constantly rotating menu, and if one room is vacant they can spread to the next. A single bed bug infestation can spread throughout an entire hotel in no time at all, and these pests can latch onto travelers and follow them home, widening the spread substantially. 

So when you plan for a hotel to stay at, do your research and read reviews. And when you get there, make sure to store your suitcase off the floor and out of the reach of bed bugs. 

Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms

Much like hotels, bed bugs are a major problem in college dorm rooms. With so many people sharing one building, traveling from all over and bringing in used furniture, it’s easy for infestations to start and spread throughout the building. So more than most, college students have to be especially vigilant about looking for bed bugs. And when they come home from school, it’s important to thoroughly check their luggage before storing it away.

Can Anyone Get Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs aren’t picky. If there is a stable source of food, they’ll find any opportunity to nest nearby. And they’re unpleasantly patient, with the ability to go up to a year without a blood meal. That is why it’s invaluable to know the signs of a bed bug infestation, and who you can call for treatment. If you live in Broken Arrow OK, the best name for professional bed bug extermination is the team at Arrow Exterminators, Inc.. With our help, you can rest easy knowing that you’re getting the most comprehensive service in the industry!

Who’s At Risk Of Getting Bed Bugs In Broken Arrow OK Serving Broken Arrow OK & Oklahoma City OK?

Bartlesville | Broken Arrow | Edmond | El Reno | Grove | Jenks | Moore | Muskogee | Oklahoma City | Owasso | Stillwater | Tulsa | Wagoner | Bixby | Claremore | Sand Springs | Prattville

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