New Wood-Eating Cockroach Found

A new species of wood-eating cockroach was recently discovered in China. Entomologists found a colony of more than 100 cockroaches when a rotten log was split open. This is not the first cockroach discovered that eats wood. So far 55 species have been identified, in various places around the world. Very little is known about […]

Bigger Bugs in Human Habitats

Have you ever wondered if our urban areas produce bigger bugs? Well, we now know the answer is, ‘Yes!’ While some bugs don’t do well around our homes and other buildings, other species thrive in this environment. The size of the pest is one good indicator of whether it is an ‘urban exploiter’ or not. […]

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Bean Weevils Date Atlantis Eruption

Many people believe that a massive volcanic eruption on the Greek island of Santorini is what inspired the legend of Atlantis. It is thought that the eruption occurred sometime between 1627 and 1600 B.C. While the exact year of the eruption is not known, a new study of bean weevils found in an ancient storage […]

Bed Bugs Are Now Confirmed Disease Carriers

Despite all the pain and anguish bed bugs cause, it was believed at least they didn’t transmit any diseases. A new study changes all that. The study found that bed bugs can both transmit to mice the parasite that causes Chagas disease—they can also pick up the disease from infected mice. Chagas is a common […]

Pest Prevention Tip for March

Get rid of all standing water in plant saucers, plugged rain gutters, and anywhere else in your yard. Not only can mosquitoes breed in these, but rodents and other animal pests come and drink from them. Change the water weekly in bird baths to prevent mosquitoes from becoming adults in them.