Every pet owner knows and fears fleas. You hear about them every time you visit your vet. You worry about them every time you see your dog or cat scratch. You sometimes wonder if these nasty, biting, jumping pests have already infiltrated your home and you haven’t even noticed yet. But did you know that your home can be subject to a flea infestation even if you don’t have pets? It’s true! Many of our friends and customers believe that only people who have pets, can have a flea infestation in your home. Unfortunately, that’s not true.
It doesn’t matter if you have no pets, only have outdoor pets or if you have 87 dogs who all live in your home and sleep on your bed. Your home is susceptible to a flea infestation. Fleas are tiny, brownish-red, blood-sucking pests and multiple varieties of fleas can be found all over the United States. While the most common way for a home to become infested with fleas is for a household pet to get fleas and track them inside, there are other ways for your home to become a feeding grounds for these annoying, invasive pests.
Fleas will happily feed on just about any warm-blooded animal, domesticated or wild. They will feed on pet dogs, cats and rabbits, as well as wild rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, possums, mice and rats. And if a raccoon with fleas takes up residence under your porch, or rodents with fleas come inside your home looking for warmth and something to eat, they’ll bring those fleas right on in with them. And while fleas prefer to feed on hosts that have fur, they will bite humans if they are hungry or cannot find other hosts.
Once they have invaded, fleas can be very tricky to get rid of. Only adult fleas are large and active enough to see; eggs, larvae and pupae are extremely small and live in places like floor board and underneath furniture, so they are often hard to find and then eliminate. And since over-the-counter flea control products only work on the adults you can find, you’re leaving the majority of the flea population in your home untouched. It’s best to call in the flea professionals at Arrow Exterminators to determine how fleas are getting into your home (on your pets or through other means, like rodents) and what the most effective course of action to eliminate them will be.
This could include one treatment or a combination of multiple treatments, including extermination services for other pests, including mice, rats or other rodents, if they are identified as the primary flea host and the source of the infestation. Your Arrow Exterminators technician will carefully explain all the procedures to you before the treatments start and can answer any questions you have about how to prevent a future flea problem.
While fleas are difficult to get rid of on your own, there are a few steps you can take to help prevent them from coming into your home in the first place:
- Ask your vet about flea prevention and control medications that they recommend.
- Regular bathing of pets can help prevent fleas—ask your vet about special flea shampoos.
- Regular grooming will also cut down the risk of fleas for your dog or cat.
- Frequently wash and dry any pet bedding your pet sleeps or lays on and any other blankets or towels they cuddle with.
Contact Arrow Exterminators and our flea control experts will eliminate every one of these blood-sucking pests that is bothering you and your family. We know you work hard to keep your home, family and pests safe and we want to help you protect them from these disgusting, disease carrying pests. So if you’re ready to get serious about eliminating fleas once and for all, call the flea eradication experts at Arrow Exterminators. We offer pest control services in communities across the state, including in Bartlesville, Broken Arrow, Edmond, Moore, Muskogee, Oklahoma City, Owasso, Stillwater, Tulsa, Yukon and the surrounding areas. You can schedule a free, no obligation evaluation on our website or give us a call. You can also reach out to us on social media for information. We are on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.