From apple picking and hay rides to pumpkin patches and trick-or-treating, fall brings with it so many wonderful things! But with the end of the summer heat—another perk of the season—come pests of all shapes and sizes invading your home, looking for a warm place to sleep at night. One of the most common and destructive of these pests is mice. Every year around this time, they start looking for ways to sneak into your homes and escape the cold Oklahoma winters. So, we brainstormed a few simple things that you can do to keep the mice away from your home this fall and winter! Here they are:
- No open food: one of the main reasons mice invade our homes is all the free food! Overflowing trashcans, countertop crumbs, open containers…all these can provide potential meals for mice. Keep your floors and counters clean and promptly take out the trash when it is full. Also, make sure all the food on your counters or in your cabinets is stored in airtight containers.
- Bring on the peppermint: mice are known to hate the smell of peppermint; planting mint around your property will keep them at bay. You can also soak cotton balls with peppermint extract and place them in areas where mice usually nest—like garages, attics, basements and tool sheds—to deter them from taking up residence there.
- Or the spicy stuff: mice also hate Tabasco Sauce and Cayenne powder. You can sprinkle some around the foundation of your home to keep mice away or in areas where you suspect they might be nesting.
We hope these tips keep you mouse-free this fall and winter! But if you think you have a mouse in the house, don’t hesitate to call Arrow Exterminators! We can have you rodent free in no time.