Each year, termites and other wood-destroying pests cause many billions of dollars worth of damage in the United States! So it is well worth your time to take steps to prevent damage from these costly pests and protect your investment in your home:
✓ Reduce excess moisture. Termites, like carpenter ants, are much more likely to attack moist wood than sound, dry wood. Repair leaking pipes and roof leaks, and make sure rain gutters are draining properly. Slope soil so water flows away from your foundation. You may need to install cement aprons at the bottom of your downspouts to help water flow out. Do not allow shrubs or vines to partially block air vents.
✓ Reduce termite food. Dig out any tree stumps and large roots. Make sure firewood piles are off the ground and away from your home. Remove wood mulch around your foundation and replace it with a gravel mulch.
✓ Eliminate wood touching or very near soil. Termites are much more likely to find and attack such wood, and their entry into it is usually hidden from view. Wood siding, untreated posts under foundations and porches, fence posts, flower boxes, etc., should never come close to or touch the ground.
✓ Have an inspection for wood-destroying organisms. Call us today for an inspection if you have not had one recently or are not under a termite service agreement with us—this is the single most important step you can take to prevent termite damage, save money, and give you peace of mind.