If you’ve ever seen termite swarmers pouring out of the ground or out of holes in wood, you’ve witnessed the single most significant annual event in a termite colony. Each colony sends out many hundreds of winged termites. These become the future kings and queens of new colonies.
Most swarming occurs in the spring (often on a warm day after a rain), although some can occur during fall and at other times of the year as well. Colonies infesting heated homes often are the earliest to send out swarmers.
Unfortunately, if you find many swarmers indoors, or coming out of areas next to your foundation, it is usually a sign that the structure is infested with damaging termites. It is also a sign that the colony is a larger, more mature colony, because a termite colony usually doesn’t send out winged termites until it is four or five years old. As colonies mature, they gradually send out more swarmers.
If you find swarmers inside or next to your home, call us right away so we can schedule a professional inspection. We’ll determine if the pests are termites or swarming ants (which areeasily mistaken for termites) and we’ll help you select the best and most costeffective control strategy for your particular pest situation.