We’re guessing that the idea of eating insects probably grosses you out. However, in many foreign countries, insects are considered a staple of a healthy diet and in some places they are even considered a delicacy. Contrary to what you might think, they’re actually pretty good for you, too! Insects are a rich source of protein and—as we’re sure you know—you can find insects just about anywhere on earth.
Eating insects is already common across Africa and Asia, particularly in Thailand, China, Japan and Ghana, though it is also common in other countries closer to home, like Mexico and Brazil. Scientists are hoping to find ways to introduce insects into the eating habits of Americans and Europeans, to ensure that people have enough protein on their plate as populations increase and farming and ranching practices change.Farming insects also creates 10 times less greenhouse gas emissions than farming conventional livestock does, many scientists say.
One startup wants to make getting bugs onto your plate even easier. Livin Farms has created something called a Desktop Edible Insect Hive, which allows you to raise mealworms from the comfort of your own home. The “hive” looks like a small, plastic filing cabinet and is designed to sit on your desk or kitchen counter. In a recent interview with Fast Company, Livin Farms founder Katharina Unger said, “Insects give us the opportunity to grow on small spaces, with few resources. A pig cannot easily be raised on your balcony, insects can.”
While growing your own food at home certainly is convenient, we’re guessing it may take a while for people to get on board with this trend. Check out our blog “Care for a Scorpion Vodka?” for more unusual insect treats! Would you eat any of these or buy a Desktop Edible Insect Hive? Share your thoughts with us on social media! You can find us on Facebook and Google+.