Safeguarding Children’s Health

Whether it’s our children at home or in schools and other public places, we all want to protect them from any threat to their health and well-being. Pests are one important threat to children.  A wide variety of pests are involved, but listed below are the four top pest health threats to our children. COCKROACHES […]

Fall Snail and Slug Control

Snails and slugs are a known nuisance for anyone interested in in gardening because of their tendency to damage plants. However, when snails enter the home the level of aggravation can take on a whole new level. Most often slugs and snails will group together in moist areas within the home, such as basements. Though […]

Mice & Rats – Yikes!

Ever had that creepy feeling of seeing something move out of the corner of your eye, only to suddenly realize that it really was a mouse scurrying for cover?  There’s a lot of that happening these days! Even people who haven’t had problems with mice or rats at other times of the year may have […]

Common Leaf Pile Inhabitants

Now that cold weather has started making an appearance in Oklahoma, even if only briefly, leaves will begin falling from the trees. As homeowners start to gather these fallen leaves into piles, many guests can make their way into them. Chances are, these unknown guests may make some less likely to jump into these piles. […]

Bed Bug Prevention During the Holidays

During the holiday season, the spread of bed bugs is more prevalent than ever. With families coming together, often staying the night in hotels before arrival, and students coming home from college for the break, the possibility of obtaining bed bugs is greater than ever. With a few simple precautionary measures, homeowners can greatly decrease […]