You would think that pest problems would be gone this time of year, but unfortunately, that is wishful thinking. Many pests can breed and multiply all winter indoors, thanks to central heating. Here are just a few pests that are problems during late fall and winter, and what to do about them. Christmas trees—Various pests take up residence in Christmas trees, then become active when you bring them into a warm home. Shake trees well before you bring them indoors, or hose them down and let them drip dry before bringing them in.
Holiday feasts— Crumbs and spills attract all sorts of pests. Clean them up, place trash in containers with tightfitting lids, and empty regularly. Leave dirty dishes and pans in a sink full of soapy water if you will not be cleaning them that night. Woolen items—Clothes moths and carpet beetles attack wool clothing and anything else made of wool. Clean clothing is less likely to be attacked than worn or dirty clothing. Fall invaders becoming active— pests that invade in late August and
September, like certain kinds of flies, stink bugs, and others, may “wake up” on warmer days and start falling out of cracks and crevices. Some of these can stain curtains and walls. Vacuum up small numbers. Also watch for ants nesting indoors, pests coming from firewood, invading rats and mice, and bed bugs brought in from travels or overnight guests. Because of these and other pests, ongoing pest services are important in making your life healthier and better and helping to protect your belongings.