Around the country, both native and new ant species are spreading and invading new areas. Many of these ants are new species from other parts of the world, and they are especially serious pests. Newer, spreading ants include various species of fire ants, crazy ants, trap-jaw ants, Argentine ants, white footed ants, and pharaoh ants, to name a few. Together with our native ant species, these ants have become the nation’s #1 pest in terms of the number of people who call to have them controlled. Ant invasions are common and persistent.
Ant colonies will be humming with activity in the months ahead. There is an abundance of food, and queen ants are laying eggs at their top capacity. At various times ants wander indoors, searching for food, moisture, or a better nesting site. If they find what they are looking for, expect more ants to follow—often hundreds or thousands of ants within an hour of the discovery.
Most people don’t realize that honeydew is an important food of many ant species. Honeydew is especially abundant outside during the months ahead, and ant colonies grow in size rather quickly when honeydew and other food sources are plentiful. What is honeydew? It is a very sweet substance excreted by aphids and other plant-sucking insects. Honeydew is so important to ants that some species actually tend and protect the aphids that produce it, much like cowboys care for a herd of cattle.
Ants are persistent invaders that require professional treatments to keep them controlled. If you are having problems with ants, call us—we are the area ant experts!