We like to think our blood is used only by ourselves, and maybe a local blood bank we donate to. But the fact is, a lot of pests use our blood as food and suck it out of us without us even knowing we are sharing. They do this with surgeon-like precision, slicing through our skin with their razor-sharp mouthparts. While they are doing this, they inject an anesthetic into the cut that numbs the area so we don’t even feel it. This is good stuff for horror movies!
You might never know that a pest took some of your blood, except that the pest saliva and other compounds they inject into you often causes those familiar welts that itch. And because these pests tap directly into our blood stream, they can also put dangerous disease-causing pathogens directly inside our bodies. So, who are these culprits? One that we are hearing about recently is bedbugs, which are spreading. Knowing that these bugs feed on people while we are sleeping is enough to give us the creeps!
There are a wide variety of other pests that suck blood, and they are so good at it that they can do it in broad daylight when we are wide awake, and we still don’t know they are taking it! These include mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, biting midges, blood-sucking flies, chiggers, mites, bird bugs, and kissing bugs. Fighting bugs is what our company is all about, and we are proud to know we help save your blood too. Local blood banks are always looking for more supplies of blood—don’t “donate” it to the local bug population!